A vibrant scene at La Casa de la Música de Miramar, one of the hidden gems in Havana, showcasing live performances and a lively music scene.

Discover Havana’s Hidden Gems: Off-the-Beaten-Path Attractions

ZeroByteAfro-Cuban Tour Leave a Comment

Introduction This post aims to guide readers through some of Havana’s lesser-known attractions, ultimately offering a fresh perspective on the Cuban capital beyond the usual tourist spots. Exploring hidden gems …

A vibrant scene in Havana with Afro-Cuban musicians playing traditional instruments like congas and bongos, and dancers in traditional attire performing energetic dance moves on a lively street with colorful buildings in the background.

The Rhythm of Cuba: Exploring Afro-Cuban Music and Dance in Havana

ZeroByteAfro-Cuban Tour, Cuba, Cuban Music Leave a Comment

This post aims to delve into the vibrant world of Afro-Cuban music and dance, showcasing how African rhythms and movements have significantly shaped Cuban culture. For foreign visitors, understanding these …